June 20, 2024

Solstice Sun in Cancer


Blessings of the Solstice Sun in Cancer!  From the book "Sophia", by Olivia Robertson:

"Companions, let us contemplate the night sky of Cancer. Coiled through the primordial sea of stars we observe the Seven Headed Monster Hydra, the Dragon Tiamat. Above Her She holds the Crab, the Scarab which holds Marduk with Tiamat. But in the victory of Man over Nature the conqueror pays the price: he loses knowledge of his immortal soul. Below Hydra is the Unicorn and Procion, Canis Minor, the dog who is friend to humanity. Beyond Cancer shine the Lynx and the Lion and the bear, safe from the Tumultuous Sea of Tiamat ... Yet - we lick our arms - we taste salt! From the dark ocean we come. Let us in deep contemplation return to our Origin. For only in originality do we truly find our true selves, born of the Mother of All."

Listen to the FOI meditations on Cancer at the following links:

From "Sophia" - Mystical Awakening, Cancer & Tiamat: https://youtu.be/XV6THf6WJMM

From "Fortuna" - Window of Cancer: https://youtu.be/3EmjRE6pYkk

From "Tara": Portal of Cancer - 2 Rites: https://youtu.be/pyI2bQKwy-s

(© quote by Olivia Robertson, Shrine photo by Minette Quick, Foundation Center Temple)

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