July 22, 2024

Sun in Leo


Blessings of the Sun in Leo!  From the book "Sophia", by Olivia Robertson:

"Companions, let us contemplate the symbols of Leo and Sekhmet, so that we may touch on the sphere of omnipotence and love of the Lion-Goddess. With your inner eye and creative imagination animate these symbols given us by the Sages, associated with the constellations. The Lion is rampant across the sky, with the stars Zosma and Zozma flaming in his waving mane. From his mighty paws he sends forth showers of meteors, the Leonids. In his curving tail shines the blue star Denebola, named by the Chinese "Woo Pi Tso”, "Seat of the Five Empresses”, and by the Indians, the Star of the Goddess Bahu, the Creating Mother. Brightly shines the Diamond of Virgo, formed by this very Denebola, along with Arcturus, silvery Spica and Cor Caroli. . . Behold the Anthroposphinx Herself! Poets and artists and Visionaries saw Her shining in the night sky, with Virgo for Her Head and Leo for Her body! She is also Neshta the Lioness flanked by two lions, Besu and Neshu. The Pharaoh Seti first had Her depicted in the Temple of Hathor at Denderah. She is shown as a woman with her left hand holding the tail of a lion, her right hand brandishing a flail. Thus she rules Virgo and Leo, in the ancient Egyptian zodiac."

Listen to the FOI meditations on Leo at the following links:

From "Sophia" - Mystical Awakening, Leo & Sekhmet: https://youtu.be/04s7juQ9ZqI

From "Fortuna" - Window of Leo: https://youtu.be/R9MwqeC7UmE

From "Tara": Portal of Leo - 2 Rites: https://youtu.be/CFCxL4g2V04

(© quote and photo by Olivia Robertson, Foundation Center Temple)

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July 9, 2024

Audio: Realm of the Planet Mercury


Now uploaded to our YouTube channel is the ritual "Realm of the Planet  Mercury, the Time Traveller" by Olivia Robertson from the book "Brigid of the Rainbow Planets."  The theme is: "To travel the starry Spirals you need to find their centre."
(© Winged disc carving by David Durdin-Robertson, photo by Minette Quick)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

July 1, 2024

July Oracle: Goddess Ngame

"Duality is resolved not through conquest,
but through harmony."

The Oracle for July is from the Goddess Ngame.  Read and listen from the following links:

(© quote by Olivia Robertson, shrine photo by Minette Quick)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

June 23, 2024

Foundation Center: Summer Solstice Report

 "Call in the strength from the sun, 
bring it into your heart."

A report on the Summer Solstice festival at the FOI Foundation Center may be read at the following link:

(© report & photos by Noeleen Watson)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

June 20, 2024

Solstice Sun in Cancer


Blessings of the Solstice Sun in Cancer!  From the book "Sophia", by Olivia Robertson:

"Companions, let us contemplate the night sky of Cancer. Coiled through the primordial sea of stars we observe the Seven Headed Monster Hydra, the Dragon Tiamat. Above Her She holds the Crab, the Scarab which holds Marduk with Tiamat. But in the victory of Man over Nature the conqueror pays the price: he loses knowledge of his immortal soul. Below Hydra is the Unicorn and Procion, Canis Minor, the dog who is friend to humanity. Beyond Cancer shine the Lynx and the Lion and the bear, safe from the Tumultuous Sea of Tiamat ... Yet - we lick our arms - we taste salt! From the dark ocean we come. Let us in deep contemplation return to our Origin. For only in originality do we truly find our true selves, born of the Mother of All."

Listen to the FOI meditations on Cancer at the following links:

From "Sophia" - Mystical Awakening, Cancer & Tiamat: https://youtu.be/XV6THf6WJMM

From "Fortuna" - Window of Cancer: https://youtu.be/3EmjRE6pYkk

From "Tara": Portal of Cancer - 2 Rites: https://youtu.be/pyI2bQKwy-s

(© quote by Olivia Robertson, Shrine photo by Minette Quick, Foundation Center Temple)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

June 19, 2024

Cressida Pryor: Summer Letter


"Divine Mother may we celebrate and open our eyes
to new and creative solutions to our current problems."

The Summer Solstice letter from FOI Steward, Cressida Pryor, may be read at the following link:

FOI Letter - Summer Solstice 2024

June 10, 2024

Audio: Realm of the Planet Venus

Now uploaded to our YouTube channel is the ritual "Realm of the Planet Venus, Buried Treasure" by Olivia Robertson, from the book "Brigid of the Rainbow Planets."  The theme is: "To flee from love is to flee from life."

Click to Listen: https://youtu.be/aLTBKJClTdI

(© detail of Ishtar altar by Minette Quick)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

June 1, 2024

June Oracle: Goddess Isis


"It is through Inspiration that you live."

The Oracle for June is from the Goddess Isis.  Read and listen from the following links:

(© photo by Minette Quick, art by Olivia Robertson & Marian Marshe)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

May 20, 2024

Sun in Gemini


Blessings of the Sun in Gemini!  From the book "Sophia", by Olivia Robertson:

"Companions on the quest for Intuition and Clear Minds, know that the constellation of the Dioscuri, the Twins, is depicted in the Denderah Zodiac of Ancient Egypt as the Lion God Shu, Bringer of flowing waters, and His twin the Lion Goddess Tefnut, Lady of Heaven. They are shown facing each other, holding hands. These Divine Twins were born of the Goddess Nebhet-hotep, Great in Magic, Wife to the God Atum of primaeval waters. The Lion Pair in their turn brought forth the Goddess Nuit of the starry sky, and the God Geb, of the earth. Isis and Osiris, sister and brother, were born of these, and the rest of the Great Ennead of Heliopolis, which includes Shu and Tefnut, Isis and Osiris, Ra, Geb, Nephthys, Horus and Hathor. The virtuous are revived through Tefnut: 'I have brought to him the Goddess Tefnut and he liveth! The soul which dwelleth in Tefnut abideth in bliss in Her realm Beyond death'. Thus to the Egyptians, Gemini was the House of Life here and in the next world. It was also the sphere of twin souls."

Listen to the FOI meditations on Gemini at the following links:

From "Sophia" - Mystical Awakening, Gemini, Artemis & Apollo: https://youtu.be/U4ntyywR7XQ

From "Fortuna" - Window of Gemini: https://youtu.be/7n0GogCbYl8

From "Tara": Portal of Gemini - 2 Rites: https://youtu.be/VZI9sQhQ1nw

(© quote by Olivia Robertson, Shrine of Vesta-Gemini photo by Minette Quick)

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