September 13, 2024

Audio: Realm of the Planet Saturn


Now uploaded to our YouTube channel is the ritual "Realm of the Planet  Saturn, The Judgement Seat", from the book "Brigid of the Rainbow Planets" by Olivia Robertson. The theme is: "To take the hard but just decision brings strength and moral victory."

(© photo by Minette Quick, Foundation Center Temple)

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September 1, 2024

Oracle of the Month: Goddess Selene


"To achieve purity of purpose you need to receive
a shaft of the Light of Truth from Deity."

The Oracle for September is from the Goddess Selene.  Read and listen from the following links:

(© quote and artwork Olivia Robertson; photo Durdin-Robertson, copyrights reserved)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

August 22, 2024

Sun in Virgo


Blessings of the Sun in Virgo! From the FOI Liturgy book "Sophia, Cosmic Consciousness of the Goddess": 

"Behold the Virgin holding her wheat ear, the star Spica! Above her, Bootes drives the wain around the Pole Star and by him are Virgo's loyal hounds, the Canes Venatici. Centaurus, half man, half horse, is below her hand, tamed by her gentleness. The Virgin shines above the sea monster Hydra, who bears on his mighty coils Corvus, the Prophetic Crow and Crater, the Mystic Cup. The Libran Goddess stands nearby, weighing Virgo's golden grain on her scales, while the harvest is protected by the rampant lion, Leo."

Listen to the FOI meditations on Virgo at the following links:

From "Sophia" - Mystical Awakening, Virgo & Dana:

From "Fortuna" - Window of Virgo:

From "Tara": Portal of Virgo - 2 Rites:

(© quote and "We Reap to Share" artwork by Olivia Robertson, copyrights reserved.)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

August 13, 2024

Audio: Realm of the Planet Jupiter

Now uploaded to our YouTube channel is the ritual "Realm of the Planet  Jupiter, The Sword in the Stone", from the book "Brigid of the Rainbow Planets" by Olivia Robertson. The theme is: "The true Sovereign holds Sceptre and Orb."
(© Shrine photo by Minette Quick)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive


August 3, 2024

Foundation Center: Lughnasadh Festival Report


"We were reminded of the light Lugh brings and the 
sovereign strength of Eriu at this time of Lughnasadh."

A report on the Lughnasadh Festival at the FOI Foundation Center may be read at the following link:

(© report & photos by Noeleen Watson)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

August 2, 2024

Cressida Pryor: Lammas / Lughnasadh Letter


"my glimpse into this world is through experiencing 
synchronicities which allow me to see an unfolding web 
of a larger interrelatedness behind reality..."

The Lammas/Lughnasadh letter from FOI Steward, Cressida Pryor, may be read at the following link:

August 1, 2024

August Oracle: Goddess Alma Mater


"Respect the unique quality in every God and
animal and plant, including your family!"

The Oracle for August is from the Goddess Alma Mater.  Read and listen from the following links:

(© quote by Olivia Robertson, photo by Minette Quick)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

July 22, 2024

Sun in Leo


Blessings of the Sun in Leo!  From the book "Sophia", by Olivia Robertson:

"Companions, let us contemplate the symbols of Leo and Sekhmet, so that we may touch on the sphere of omnipotence and love of the Lion-Goddess. With your inner eye and creative imagination animate these symbols given us by the Sages, associated with the constellations. The Lion is rampant across the sky, with the stars Zosma and Zozma flaming in his waving mane. From his mighty paws he sends forth showers of meteors, the Leonids. In his curving tail shines the blue star Denebola, named by the Chinese "Woo Pi Tso”, "Seat of the Five Empresses”, and by the Indians, the Star of the Goddess Bahu, the Creating Mother. Brightly shines the Diamond of Virgo, formed by this very Denebola, along with Arcturus, silvery Spica and Cor Caroli. . . Behold the Anthroposphinx Herself! Poets and artists and Visionaries saw Her shining in the night sky, with Virgo for Her Head and Leo for Her body! She is also Neshta the Lioness flanked by two lions, Besu and Neshu. The Pharaoh Seti first had Her depicted in the Temple of Hathor at Denderah. She is shown as a woman with her left hand holding the tail of a lion, her right hand brandishing a flail. Thus she rules Virgo and Leo, in the ancient Egyptian zodiac."

Listen to the FOI meditations on Leo at the following links:

From "Sophia" - Mystical Awakening, Leo & Sekhmet:

From "Fortuna" - Window of Leo:

From "Tara": Portal of Leo - 2 Rites:

(© quote and photo by Olivia Robertson, Foundation Center Temple)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

July 9, 2024

Audio: Realm of the Planet Mercury


Now uploaded to our YouTube channel is the ritual "Realm of the Planet  Mercury, the Time Traveller" by Olivia Robertson from the book "Brigid of the Rainbow Planets."  The theme is: "To travel the starry Spirals you need to find their centre."
(© Winged disc carving by David Durdin-Robertson, photo by Minette Quick)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive