January 20, 2024

Sun in Aquarius


Blessings of the Sun in Aquarius!  The Shrine of Aquarius at the Foundation Center Temple in Ireland is dedicated to the Goddess Amaterasu No Kami. 

From "Sophia", by Olivia Robertson: 
"Let us visualise the constellation called by the Ancients, Aquarius. For to our forebears the dome of the sky was a picture of living hieroglyphs set there by the Deities. From their starry homes they deemed that their Teachers came to teach them through the language of symbols. So they offered the Deities their beautiful images, which they saw as they lay on desert sands or groves, gazing upon the sky at night. And they offered the Deities pictures that they painted through their visionary eyes. They imagined a great white winged horse, Pegasus, flying through the sky above a starry sea. Below him in the sea of heaven swam two intertwining fish, Pisces. And from a stream entering the sea they discerned a maiden whom they called Hebe or Ganymeda, or a youth, Ganymede drawing the stream's water into a pitcher and then pouring forth the water in bounty, in two starry streams. . ."

Here are three FOI meditations on Aquarius:

From "Sophia" - Mystical Awakening of Aquarius and Juno: https://youtu.be/86BkGyyeJ8s

From "Fortuna" - Window of Aquarius:  https://youtu.be/UYB6dEpRoFk

From "Tara": Portal of Aquarius - 2 Rites: https://youtu.be/e6-UX1t0znk

(© quote by Olivia Robertson, photo by MEK; copyrights reserved)

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