March 21, 2023

Happy Sun in Aries


Blessings of the Sun in Aries!  Here is a YouTube video that includes two meditations on the "Portal of Aries" by Olivia Robertson:

Rite 1. The Magician. Even the Gods obey the Fates. "To work with one’s own Fate rather than defy it, you need to honour the three Arbiters of Destiny: Sekhmet, Bast and Ra, The Constellations of Leo and Virgo, The Anthrosphinx."

Rite 2. The Enchantress. A hard choice leads to victory. "To face a choice that spins the web of our Fate, we need to invoke the Goddess Tara who made such a choice."

(© quotes by Olivia Robertson, portico photo by Minette Quick; copyrights reserved)

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