September 21, 2022

Happy Equinox and Sun in Libra!

Blessings of the Sun in Libra and the Equinox! Here is a 22-minute meditation on the "Mystical Awakening of Libra and Kwan Yin" by Olivia Robertson:

"Companions, let us contemplate the constellation of Libra, which we see as a triangle. On the Left stands the Serpent Holder, Ophiuchus, the Healer, holding the twisting serpent whose bite brings ecstasy. Above the point of the triangle shines Bootes, the Ox-Herd, Son of the Bear Goddess Callisto of the Northern sky. The Scorpion's claws are at the left point of the triangle, and on the right is the Virgin with Her wheat sheaf. Libra brings the Scorpion and the Virgin into harmony, yet it was in the House of Libra that Pluto bore Persephone from Virgo, Her Mother. For Libra stands between the fruitful harvest of our lives and the rebirth of initiation in the House of Scorpio. It is in the House of Libra that we are judged in the Judgement Hall of Osiris. Here Astraea holds the scales. Yin Yang is in harmony in this house between Light and Darkness. Let us contemplate the Mystery of Libra and Kwan Yin."

(© quote and artwork by Olivia Robertson)

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