June 13, 2020

We Invoke Thy Grace

"Holiest of the Holy, great Goddess Isis, perpetual comfort of mankind, thou whose beautiful grace nourishes the whole world. Whose heart turns towards all those in sorrow and tribulation, as a mother's to her children, we invoke thy grace. Hallow our shrines with thy protecting wings that bringeth shade to the weary of heart, jubilation to the distressed and rest to sufferers. Bring vision and healing, thou who with thy breath bringeth the dead to life: thou friend of Thoth, bring us wisdom. As thou dist restore thy husband the God Osiris, bring us also thy everlasting love and life."

(© From "Dea, Rites and Mysteries of the Goddess" by Olivia Robertson; photo of High Altar, Foundation Center Temple by Minette Quick; copyrights reserved.)

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