August 17, 2016

Audio highlight: Winged Isis painting

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Audio transcript:
"Presiding over all, is the mighty figure, again life-sized, of the Winged Isis, black: black as space and yet with a golden cobra of healing on Her head.  Her face is in the traditional - She's looking to the right and Her arms are outspread and there are mighty Wings of Isis spread for healing. And, rising from the earth is a more than life-sized golden image of the God Horus in the form of the young God-King Tutankhamun, all in gold.  He is Horus-risen, emblem of how Isis brings the soul to life - knowledge of innate Divinity."

(Original painting by Olivia Robertson and Marian Marshe.  Olivia later updated it to add Osiris in winged-form behind Isis.  Photo copyright M. Quick.)