To help mark the
solar eclipse, here is audio of Olivia Robertson as the Oracle of Hathor:
(MP3 / 1:36mins / 379kb)
Audio transcript:
"The sun is our Heaven, yours and Mine. Every dawn you see it rise and it
culminates, and then it appears to leave you, sinking in the West. But in
reality it is always there, awaiting you. For all of you are children of the
sun. Your solar bodies are hidden in earthly flesh, as the sun is hidden during
an eclipse. It is through your solar bodies of light and warmth that you hear
not only the voices of those attuned to you on earth, but you also begin to
receive words from the whole Company of Heaven. Your vision extends to seeing
the divine form of myriad-colored Deities, and your minds are enabled to
understand their spiritual teachings. Listen then for the voices of the
Goddesses and Gods, and allow your vision to accept their presence. When the sun
shines at day you do the works of earth: but when the outer sun is hidden in
night, then is it time for your souls to awaken. The solar Spirit that shines in
each of you and in all beings shines forth in glory!"
(Drawing by Olivia Robertson: "The Inner Sun", copyright reserved)