Message sent to all global centers:
On behalf of the Circle of Brigid,
I'm sorry to have to tell you that our planned Festival on Saturday 9th November
has had to be postponed to a future date, as Lady Olivia who has been eagerly
making arrangements for what was to be a very special event, to take place at
Samhain, but relevant at all times, will not now be able to be with us for
continued health reasons. This is a great pity but members of the Fellowship
worldwide may still wish to tune in on Saturday 9th November, as she originally
requested, in support of true Fellowship and wholeness and send her continued
loving and healing blessings at this time.
It would be appreciated if
members in Ireland could check with anyone they know had intended to be with us
on the 9th that they have heard about this change, to save them travelling
Minette Quick
(Hon. Sec. Circle of Brigid)
Our thanks to Minette and all the Circle of Brigid
members for all they do.
(photo of Olivia Robertson in her drawing room, copyright Dennis Murphy of Logic Reality)