Welcome! The FOI is an international society founded in 1976 by Olivia, Lawrence and Pamela Durdin-Robertson. Its societies include: the College of Isis, Spirals of the Adepti & Alchemy, Druid Clan of Dana, Noble Order of Tara & the Muses Symposium. This page shares both historical FOI information and and current postings from the central Foundation Center in Ireland. The FOI Homepage website is: www.fellowshipofisis.com
May 27, 2012
Huntington Castle Website
From Minette Quick:
"Dear All,
Alexander Durdin-Robertson, who now runs a year-round programme of attractive events open to the public, including guided tours of the Grounds and Castle and so on, has invited our Fellowship websites to include a link to the Castle's own website at http://www.huntingtoncastle.com/, so that visitors can get an overall picture of what is available at Clonegal nowadays and come along.
It might be an idea to make it clear that although the Fellowship refers to the Castle as 'Foundation Centre' or Clonegal Castle, which was its old name - and it is in the village of Clonegal on the borders of Counties Carlow and Wexford in Ireland - it is also known as Huntington Castle, and all general, non-FOI information, can only be found under that name.
There is no change to the usual 'Invitations' system for those wishing to attend any of the 8 annual festivals held by the FOI at the Castle by request via the Hon. Sec. of the Circle of Brigid which assists in running them.
Many good wishes,
(May 27, 2012)
Links: Invitations to FOI seasonal events
More about Clonegal / Huntington Castle
(Photo from Olivia Robertson, all rights reserved.)