Welcome! The FOI is an international society founded in 1976 by Olivia, Lawrence and Pamela Durdin-Robertson. Its societies include: the College of Isis, Spirals of the Adepti & Alchemy, Druid Clan of Dana, Noble Order of Tara & the Muses Symposium. This page shares both historical FOI information and and current postings from the central Foundation Center in Ireland. The FOI Homepage website is: www.fellowshipofisis.com
January 31, 2011
Audio Clip: Brigid's Visitation
To help celebrate Brigid's Day, here is Olivia speaking of an experience she had, in the year 2000:
First, some background information - Olivia writes:
"In the year 2000 at midnight during the Summer Solstice I saw in full consciousness a “Sun.” On 6th September this 'sun' – large, cheerful, slightly flushed – woke me up and burst in a sort of explosion from my body. On the eve of my departure for the USA (26th Sept. the first day of the Demeter Harvest Mysteries, The Thesmophoria), in full consciousness at night or rather early dawn, I saw an unearthly woman by my bed. She had hair like liquid gold cut in 'petals' and wore a white robe slightly flushed with gold on a part of it. It was what she was doing that was so strange. She was striking a suspended very long crystal with a rod. As she did so, I observed a mighty transparent column on her left side and within it, at the beautiful clear fairly high note she struck, spirals of golden 'atoms' gyrated."
Click to listen to Olivia speaking further about her experience: Audio Clip
(Link should open with the audio software you have designated on your computer to play MP3 files - it is 1:57 min./459kb.)
Audio Clip Text:
"When I was given a visitation of the Goddess Brigid, She was showing me a way that would bring us access to other spiritual and better realms without taking to extreme asceticism and self-punishment. What she demonstrated to me was simple. She was showing the production of sound from striking certain crystals, and that these affected particles in a vacuum column. All this was performed not in the material state but in what many call “the etheric” sphere, more refined than our earth, but still the higher part. All of our apparently solid material world emanates from this more luminous sphere. Hence miracles may take place in soul consciousness. This realm was a part of a twisting spiral of life involving the Infinite Love and Truth of Deity through the Universe.
"Since my experience with Brigid, and of attaining the Inner Sun of the Isian and Eleusinian Mysteries, I have tried to comprehend what I was being taught. I know that what I receive I need to share with others. Of course so many people know about attaining the spiritual life, but what had I to offer?
"What I feel is essential is the acceptance of Deity – by whatever Divine Name you use – as transcendental, but also immanent throughout all creation. Duality is a delusion. Obviously we need to be aware of dangers, of evil, of cruelty and injustice, and to conquer these. But we do not conquer what is real. We are eliminating distorted shadows. So in coping with the most malign person, we can only help by concentrating on the divine spark within, which is projected from the Heart of the Mother."
(Art by Olivia Robertson, from personal correspondence. Audio file by FOI-Crossroads Media. Both copyright protected.)