June 18, 2007

Registration Archive Change

This announcement will appear in the next Isian News, but Lady Olivia wanted it announced early here:

In the spirit of decentralization, the Foundation Center at Clonegal Castle will no longer archive the registrations for the Fellowship of Isis. Instead, each Archpriesthood Member will archive their records at their own center, and share the information with inquirers as necessary.

The process to register a new FOI appointment or center remains the same: when a new title or center is certified, the Sponsor (person who issues the certificate) will contact a member of the Archpriesthood Union and submit that information. However, rather than sending the information on to the Foundation Center, the AU member will now keep it in her/his own personal Register.

Additional note added 9/19/07: The overseeing of an Archival Record is also being offered by the Rt. Rev. Deena Butta. This is a voluntary activity for our members, and is separate from the process of formal registration with the Archpriesthood Union. For details and to participate, please contact Deena at deeankh@sbcglobal.net.

For complete information on the registration process, please see: FOI Registration.