The Egyptian Princess Scota
"Ancestress of the Gaels - By the Amon Ra Shrine of Leo.
Mask figure by O.R."
Cynthia & Mooncat
"Healing Chapel.
Cynthia - Moon Goddess Sculpture by David Durdin-Robertson
with Mooncat, sculpted by Anna Curry, David's sister"
Mother Goddess Cerridwen of Preselii, Wales
"Mask figure by O.R.
Cerridwen by Her huge Cauldron"
Close-up of Cerridwen
Cauldron of Cerridwen
"Containing 3 magic drops of Inspiration, Prophecy, & Shape-Shifting
in 3 Sunflowers & Fanner Wheel. Critique of Her Gifts by O.R.:
'Inspiration - Splendid. Prophecy - A Burden. Shape-Shifting - Scary.'"
Amateras & Uzumi
"Beside the Well.
Amateras Sun Goddess of Japan &
Her Beloved Dancer Uzumi
with The Holy Grail"
Archival link: Changing Faces March 24th, 2011
(Photos copyright M. Quick with additional enhancement by this website.)