May 20, 2022

Sun in Gemini


Blessings of the Sun in Gemini! To listen to a 26-minute meditation on the "Mystical Awakening of Gemini, Artemis & Apollo" by Olivia Robertson, please see this link on our YouTube channel:

 "Companions, let us meditate upon the constellations of Gemini. Castor and Pollux are in verity far from each other; yet the constellation holds many twins. Gemini, guide of mariners, rises high above the sea of heaven. Far above Auriga, the Charioteer, drives the Great Wain about the Pole Star. The twins shine among many animals, the lynx, the unicorn, the lesser dog. Gemini rises beyond the reach of the creatures of the abyss, Hydra and Cetus. It is the constellation of the Mind and Spirit which through Hermetic alchemy unites the realms of this life and the next, and draws together twin souls."

(© quote by Olivia Robertson;  Old Abbey photo courtesy of Minette Quick, FOI Foundation Center, Ireland, copyrights reserved.)

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