August 16, 2020

The Goddesses of India, Tibet, China and Japan

Written by FOI co-founder Lawrence Durdin-Robertson, and printed in 1976 by Cesara Press, this book was then described in the following manner:

"This is the second of a sequence of books describing the Goddesses of many countries and civilisations.  The first is "The Goddesses of Chaldaea, Syria and Egypt".  A separate entry is devoted to each Goddess.  Among the particulars included are the variant forms and the etymology of the Goddesses' names, genealogical details, epithets, biography and characteristics.  There are also descriptions of their temples, public and esoteric rituals, the regions associated with their worship, the forms in which they are represented and their correspondences to Goddesses of other Pantheons."

Read the book here:  
The Works of Lawrence Durdin-Robertson

(© Copyright reserved by the Durdin-Robertson family, with gratitude for their permission to share Lawrence's works.)

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