August 10, 2020

Invocations of Sekhmet and Ptah

Invocations of Sekhmet and Ptah by Olivia Robertson from a past rite:

Transcript (mp3 / 1.1 mb / 1:09 mins):  
"I invoke the Goddess Sekhmet of the Midday Sun. Mother of the Goddess Maunet and of the God Nefertum; Source of All Souls, Mighty in Enchantment, may your Lion Power transform our violence into the gold of Love. . .  The creation of beauty in myriad forms brings about the regeneration of the passions, however dangerous. Without emotion creation is not possible.   I invoke the God Ptah, Consort of Sekhmet, Lord of Creation, Architect of the Universe. Thou who brings harmony to atoms and galaxies, achieving order from chaos, draw us back into the practice of the sacred Arts, that we may join in your Cosmic Creation."

(© artwork by Olivia Robertson; photo by Minette Quick; audio by the FOI Homepage Archive; copyrights reserved)

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