June 20, 2020

Solstice Sun in Cancer

Blessings of the Solstice and the Sun in Cancer.  Listen to Olivia Robertson giving the intent of a past Summer rite at the Foundation Center by clicking below:

(mp3 / 372 kb / 47 sec)

Audio transcript:
"Here it is my task now, to declare the intention of this Solstice ceremony.  The intention is to blend the feminine, gentle, rays of the Moon with the over-active, masculine energies of the Sun.  So that the feminine Sun - the warmth of the heart - be made more manifest, and the psychic powers of men in the Moon be enhanced.  So the balance of Cancer, the 6 and the 9 - Yin and Yang - may be brought about."

(© photo of the Shrine of Cancer, Foundation Center Temple by Minette Quick.  The statue is of the Goddess Juno; paintings by Olivia Robertson of Thalia/Muse of Comedy, and the Mermaid Derceto; audio by the FOI Homepage; all copyrights reserved)

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