Welcome! The FOI is an international society founded in 1976 by Olivia, Lawrence and Pamela Durdin-Robertson. Its societies include: the College of Isis, Spirals of the Adepti & Alchemy, Druid Clan of Dana, Noble Order of Tara & the Muses Symposium. This page shares both historical FOI information and and current postings from the central Foundation Center in Ireland. The FOI Homepage website is: www.fellowshipofisis.com
May 13, 2020
Vision of Pele
Olivia Robertson wrote the following about her vision of the Goddess Pele in October of 2007:
"I was wakened by the appearance of a woman who had the power and presence of a Goddess. She had very dark hair, black touched with bronze, which surrounded her head with large rich curls. Her body was gold-bronze. I saw Her in profile which was strong, with fine nose and determined chin. Her eyebrows were thick and black, her eyes dark, and her lips were very full and indented at the corners. Here I feel, I should not give her message. She gave me a circular mirror of Prophecy – a gift from the Goddess Mahina of the Moon. However, what was particularly wonderful was that she brought a flow of diamond and crystal points of white light – in a dome shape on top of my head – thus opening my crown chakra. I had thought that this had happened already, but not in this brilliant and orderly way, resembling Far Eastern tiaras.
"I received the word 'Loa'. I can equate this with my experience of Yemaya of the Ocean, which I was given in 2005. What I understand is this. The Loas – Nature deities – do not punish us for wrong-doing. But the earth herself and all her elements are part of our own being. When we transgress the laws of love and goodness, this produces repercussions throughout earth. After various turbulences – possibly an axis shift – a new and nobler humanity will emerge from the old, as the veil between our physical earth and the etheric realm will dissolve. Hence there will be no 'death' but soul transference. We only die because we identify with our physical bodies. So there is hope. And creativity will pour forth in rainbow beauty."
(© "Pele, Goddess of Inner Sun" art by Olivia Robertson, photo by Minette Quick; copyrights reserved)
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