November 18, 2014

Shrine of Persephone

"Harken to my words with your inner ear: and see with the Eye of Vision. The seed falls from the plant into the depths, there to draw within itself the elements of growth. When spring comes the plant grows through the earth into the bright air. The great trees and the small wild flowers alike give their gifts of colour and scent and good food. The birds make their nests in branches and the bees and butterflies are enchanted by the many coloured flowers. But when the autumn comes what then of the plants and flowers? Their seeds fall into the dark earth, as I did: and they are reborn on earth, as I was. But their true Selves enjoy eternal beauty with Demeter and all Deities: as I do, now and for ever more."  Oracle of Persephone, by Olivia Robertson.

(photo of the Shrine of Persephone, Foundation Center, copyright Durdin-Robertson, Huntington Castle.)