To All Global Centres,
FOI Centres and The College of Isis
From Olivia Robertson
July 22, 2011
Received from Olivia Robertson in London via Caroline Wise.
Admittance to Iseums, Lyceums, Degrees, Druid Clan of Dana and Noble Order of Tara may be accomplished through any existing centre.
Owing to the great increase in Lyceums and FOI centres in many countries and languages, no single national of ANY country has authority over the Fellowship of Isis or The College of Isis, or any of our centres.
There is no special permit of authority from the USA, UK or any other country that recommends or gives permission for any FOI Centre. The FOI has always had a democratic voice.
Olivia Robertson
Co-Founder of The Fellowship of Isis
Festival of Opet
Archival Link: Olivia's Letters