August 12, 2021

Book Highlight

Olivia Robertson wrote in the book "Fellowship of Isis Manuals: A Compendium":

“Ireland is one of the last bastions of true vision, and therefore a lighthouse for a new aeon.  The Goddess Tara, known in Eire and the Far East, is She who draws the stars down from the heavens to reach the mountains and hills.  Dana is She who brings light and love to the hearts of every creature.  Brighid is the sustainer of the Vestal Flame, the hearth fire that is our life, and provides the Well of Inspiration.  It is these three Goddesses that have appeared to me and communed with me while I was fully conscious:  Tara in 1946; Dana in 1952 and Brighid in 2000.

“I now realise that They came with especial intent:  for me to share what They brought to the earth.  From She who I called ‘The Silver Lady’, inspired the Noble Order of Tara, that we should fight for our environment.  Dana has brought forth the Druid Clan of Dana, for an awakening of our kindred souls in the realms of nature, through mystical vision.  Brighid has come last with an awakening awareness of sound:  sonics create the spiralling of life itself.  It was from Isis Herself, in shining White Spirit Form that gave me my vocation in 1946, and that led to my brother Lawrence, his wife Pamela, and myself to found the Fellowship of Isis in 1976."

(© quote by Olivia Robertson; Foundation Center Castle photo by Pat Booker; copyrights reserved)

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