July 10, 2018

Homage to Juno

"We offer incense, Juno, in honour of Thy Divinity. In the Hermean Zodiac Thou are the Wateress and from Thy streaming breasts pour the waters of Aquarius, source of life for generations of souls. The Gnostics proclaimed the silver streams from Thy breasts to be Sophia Above and Sophia Below, the manifest and the arcane Wisdom.  Thy daughter Hebe, beautiful Ganymeda, bestows nectar from her cup to the Olympian Deities. . . Thus from the Source of life flowing from Juno's breasts do Her children, Hebe, Aquarius and Ganymede receive living water. And they bestow this nectar to others from an overflowing cup. May we ourselves learn likewise to accept and to give Living water."

Olivia Robertson, "Sophia, Cosmic Consciousness of the Goddess"

Archival link:
Fellowship of Isis Online Liturgy

(photo copyright Minette Quick)