May 20, 2018

Sun enters Gemini

From the book "Sophia, Cosmic Consciousness of the Goddess", by Olivia Robertson: "Companions on the quest for Intuition and Clear Minds, know that the constellation of the Dioscuri, the Twins, is depicted in the Denderah Zodiac of Ancient Egypt as the Lion God Shu, Bringer of flowing waters, and His twin the Lion Goddess Tefnut, Lady of Heaven. They are shown facing each other, holding hands. These Divine Twins were born of the Goddess Nebhet-hotep, Great in Magic, Wife to the God Atum of primaeval waters. The Lion Pair in their turn brought forth the Goddess Nuit of the starry sky, and the God Geb, of the earth. Isis and Osiris, sister and brother, were born of these, and the rest of the Great Ennead of Heliopolis, which includes Shu and Tefnut, Isis and Osiris, Ra, Geb, Nephthys, Horus and Hathor. The virtuous are revived through Tefnut: 'I have brought to him the Goddess Tefnut and he liveth! The soul which dwelleth in Tefnut abideth in bliss in Her realm Beyond death'. Thus to the Egyptians, Gemini was the House of Life here and in the next world. It was also the sphere of twin souls...

"Let us meditate upon the constellations of Gemini. Castor and Pollux are in verity far from each other; yet the constellation holds many twins. Gemini, guide of mariners, rises high above the sea of heaven. Far above Auriga, the Charioteer, drives the Great Wain about the Pole Star. The twins shine among many animals, the lynx, the unicorn, the lesser dog. Gemini rises beyond the reach of the creatures of the abyss, Hydra and Cetus. It is the constellation of the Mind and Spirit which through Hermetic alchemy unites the realms of this life and the next, and draws together twin souls." 

(Photo copyright Minette Quick.  OR wrote: "Shrine of Gemini by the South Portal of the Castle Temple. The Goddess Vesta of the Eternal Flame is represented by a giant face, painted on a mirror. Behind is a 3-tiered candelabra. Vesta is also shown within Her Greater Self, as a brass mask, thus showing the twin aspect of Gemini.")

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