Blessings of the Sun in Virgo! Olivia Robertson wrote this about the Constellation
of Virgo:
"Behold the Virgin holding her wheat ear, the star
Spica! Above her, Bootes drives the wain around the Pole Star and by him are
Virgo's loyal hounds, the Canes Venatici. Centaurus, half man, half horse, is
below her hand, tamed by her gentleness. The Virgin shines above the sea monster
Hydra, who bears on his mighty coils Corvus, the Prophetic Crow and Crater, the
Mystic Cup. The Libran Goddess stands nearby, weighing Virgo's golden grain on
her scales, while the harvest is protected by the rampant lion,
(Quote from the book "Sophia". Photo of the Shrine of Virgo at the Foundation Center Temple, copyright Minette Quick.)
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