"Psyche, Magical Journeys of the Goddess", by Olivia Robertson, is now available in
paperback. It may be ordered through Amazon or any other bookstore, and it is also available through local libraries. You may read it in its entirety
at no cost through our website as well.
From the introduction:
"Journeys of the psyche are the life giving joy
of those who dream of perfection. The harder everyday existence becomes, the
more we draw away from it and, denied peaceful sleep crowned with beautiful
dreams, may create images of loveliness through creative imagination. We learn
to escape from the unreal world of transient time and place into immortal
reality: from boredom, pain and fear of death into realisation of our divinity.
To imagine is to co-create with the Deities. It is to give birth to manifold
forms. The inner planes are more pliable to the interaction of thought-feeling
than is the physical world. What are planets but dream playgrounds of Goddesses
and Gods? We are beginners in the art of creation. The spider weaves a perfect
logarithmic curve and the bee, exquisite hexagrams for their honey stores: and
when mothers give birth they also create. But this is unconscious activity.
Through divine inspiration we are learning to choose the patterns needed for our
lives. We shall know the future, for we shall have formed it."
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