Blessings of the Equinox, time of Libra! The photo is the Shrine of Libra at the Foundation Center Temple. It shows a statue of the Goddess Etain, carved by David Durdin-Robertson. She is bestowing blessings upon the a...nimals around Her. The wooden panel is by William Morris with inlaid fleur-de-lis. You may also hear Olivia Robertson speak on the "Window of Libra" in this
audio clip:
(mp3 file: 5:30 minutes / 1.25mb)
Audio transcript:
"How honored we are to be climbing the hill towards the Temple of the Zodiac. As we gaze at the stars wheeling around us, we realize that each star is the home of Divine intelligences and even mightier Beings and Deities who preside over whole galaxies. Is beyond our believing, yet each of us has a spark of star within us and we belong to the body of the Cosmic Mother. On we climb, up the hill, and we reflect that as each star is haven of Deities, bright beings we may become, yet there are also planets encircling, which are planetary schools for us, as is our Earth. We face the south-west portal of the Temple. It is flanked by mighty winged Sphinxes. Pass the Sphinxes and we enter. Look upon the twelve walls, these beautiful stained-glass windows are each crowned with a sign of the Zodiac.
"How honored we are to be climbing the hill towards the Temple of the Zodiac. As we gaze at the stars wheeling around us, we realize that each star is the home of Divine intelligences and even mightier Beings and Deities who preside over whole galaxies. Is beyond our believing, yet each of us has a spark of star within us and we belong to the body of the Cosmic Mother. On we climb, up the hill, and we reflect that as each star is haven of Deities, bright beings we may become, yet there are also planets encircling, which are planetary schools for us, as is our Earth. We face the south-west portal of the Temple. It is flanked by mighty winged Sphinxes. Pass the Sphinxes and we enter. Look upon the twelve walls, these beautiful stained-glass windows are each crowned with a sign of the Zodiac.
"Come to the west window surrounded by the seventh sign, Libra: the scales
of equal day and night, autumn and spring. The picture shows a Goddess beneath
an Aspen tree, cradling the Yin-Yang egg. Think of a Goddess cradling it. The
Consort of the Goddess encircles Her with His arms. Below we read the ancient
words: 'The aspen will detain, The egg will all explain; Seek not; yourself be
sought. All other search in vain.'
"A mighty wind rushes through the Temple, throwing open the window - feel
this wind pouring through. We see through it the glittering constellation of
Libra with its 28 stars. The star Se Han forms the south-western pan of the
scales. Approach the window! Look at the constellation of Libra and enter into
entirely other landscape of soft beauty, into this happy land of the Goddess
Kwan Yin, full of all we have ever longed for, land of our heart's longing. Here
we have the company of those we love, forever - or - as long as we choose. We
make our own space and time in Infinity. Here grow the Peaches of
Immortality. Taste them if you can find them. Those who have tasted these
peaches may ever return, if they have the will to do so.
"Here, all are reconciled: love and truth, philosophy and religion, peace
and activity. Above all we find harmony within ourselves and with others. Here
is harmony with all Nature. Judgment is not judging others: it is having the
judgment to bring harmony so there's no loss to any. Peace can only come with
justice. Let us do justice to ourselves, and so we will be just to all, and so
the Law of Love and Harmony prevails. Thus, in harmony with ourselves, we are part of the Cosmos and the Music
of the Spheres."
Archival links:
Audio Gallery
Shrines of the Zodiac
Archival links:
Audio Gallery
Shrines of the Zodiac
(photo by Olivia
Robertson, cropped and enhance by this website. All rights