September 13, 2014

Book highlight: Juno Covella by Lawrence Durdin-Robertson

From the back cover:  "This Calendar is called after Juno, who was invoked as Juno Covella, of the New Moon, when the Nones of each month were announced (calantur), by the Roman Pontiff. (Varro).  The Calendar gives details of the Goddesses presiding over, or connected with, the various divisions of time. . . Material for the Calendar is drawn from a variety of sources. These include the traditional scriptures such as the Babylonian and Egyptian Ritual Texts, the Vedas, the Bible, the Zend-Avesta, the Kojiki, and the Nihongi, the Koran, the works of Classical writers including Hesiod, Aratus, Varro, Ovid, Ptolemy, and also the late Roman Calendars of Philocalus and Silvius. Among rarer or lesser known books are the Institutes of the Emperor Akbar, Dufresnoy's Chronological Tables and the Abbe de Montfaucon's Supplement to Antiquities Explained." 
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The cover illustration of this book is by Anna Durdin-Robertson.