September 22, 2013

Olivia speaks of Libra of the Scales

Equinox blessings Aset Shemsu!  Here is a historic audio clip of Olivia Robertson speaking during an Autumn Equinox ritual at the Castle:
(mp3 / 2:34 mins / 605kb)
Audio transcript:
"You say, I may not be born under the constellation of Libra, what are the stars to do with me? The stars are the mystical body of the Goddess. We have stars, atoms within ourselves, and we are atoms within the body of our galaxy, and the Ancients taught us of the wonder of the stars, taking our own humble names. A Lady, a bright Being from the stars would come to a simple person and point to an area of the sky where certain radiations came and would say: 'what do you call that?'  'We call it the scales' - man - 'it looks like scales'. And the Lady would pause and go into a contemplation and then say:  'my friend, get your family and the elders of the village together. And I will tell them about the meaning of the scales and of balance between violence and gentleness, love and truth.' And so were the mysteries brought forth to our ancestors who could not read, but to whom the picturebook of the sky was a revelation.
"Each man and each woman - each creature - has two forces, complimentary: positive and receptive. You are receptive now, to my voice, but when you give a person directions, of any sort, even the way, you are being positive in relationship. So no human being is either all positive or all receptive - there's a beautiful flow and harmony between both. Now magical ritual helps attune us to the stars. . .and this is the time of the Atumnal Equinox, when day and night are equally long. It is the time of harmony, of Libra of the Scales."

More audio clips:  Audio Gallery

(photo by Dennis Murphy for our FOI audio gallery, please do not reproduce.)