Welcome! The FOI is an international society founded in 1976 by Olivia, Lawrence and Pamela Durdin-Robertson. Its societies include: the College of Isis, Spirals of the Adepti & Alchemy, Druid Clan of Dana, Noble Order of Tara & the Muses Symposium. This page shares both historical FOI information and and current postings from the central Foundation Center in Ireland. The FOI Homepage website is: www.fellowshipofisis.com
June 27, 2013
Messages for Olivia
We have received many emails and PMs since Minette's letter yesterday. As she wrote, Olivia Robertson is recovering from a fractured ankle away from her home at the moment. She is doing very well and is still receiving her mail, which her family takes to her. We will also be happy to forward any "get-well" messages - our email address may be found at the link below. Thank you!
(photo copyright Dennis Murphy, from Olivia's DVD.)