June 17, 2010

Muses Symposium Notice - Temple Gifts

Olivia Robertson writes:

"For over fifty years Lawrence and Olivia Durdin-Robertson have given grateful thanks to so many donors of lovely pictures and craft works for their Temple of Isis. Now the time has come for those who have given, to receive acknowledgment of their work on our expanding FOI Global Centres. Many do not wish for this publicity, but other would appreciate being listed. This would be helpful for members wishing to order paintings, wands, figures and other works of art. Those wishing to contribute may give necessary information to the Hon. Secretary of the Archives Centre, in Tucson (www.fellowshipofisis.com), the Circle of Isis, California (isiscircleonline@yahoo.com), and the archives of our Isis Lyceum in Chicago, (deeankh@sbcglobal.net)."

(Our thanks to the Most Rev. Minette Quick for forwarding this message and the photo of Brigid Na Mara in the note above.)

Additional information: Muses Symposium inquiries may also be addressed to the Star of Elen, U.K. (contactSOE@starofelen.org), the Circle of Pelagia, California (isishazel@yahoo.com) and Fellowship of Isis Germany (sekhmet@online.de).

Archival link to Olivia's Letter: Muses Symposium - Temple Gifts