March 21, 2025

Sun in Aries


Blessings of the Sun in Aries! From the FOI Liturgy book "Fortuna, Creation through the Goddess":

"Before us is a grassy hill like an emerald pyramid - and crowning it is the Temple of the Zodiac. We climb this hill. We reach the Temple Portico, flanked by lofty female and male sphinxes, their wings reaching the stars. We enter. In the centre is the altar of the perpetual flame composed of many coloured rays. It is guarded by a bull, lion, eagle and angel with outspread wings. There are 12 stained-glass windows in the Temple, and we approach the Window of Aries in the East. Let us contemplate its picture. It portrays a God and Goddess with bodies of copper-coloured light. The God holds aloft a sword of fire and the Goddess holds a flaming torch. They lead a winding procession of old people, the disabled, young children, animals and birds towards the stars. A sudden powerful wind throws open the window and we are faced by the triangle of the stars of Aries."

Listen to meditations on Aries at the following links:

From "Fortuna" - Window of Aries:

From "Sophia" - Mystical Awakening, Aries & Durga:

From "Tara" - Portal of Aries:

(© quote by Olivia Robertson, photo by Minette Quick; copyrights reserved)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

March 19, 2025

Happy Anniversary & Equinox


Blessings of the Equinox and Happy Anniversary to the Fellowship of Isis!  The FOI was founded on the Vernal Equinox of 1976 by Olivia Robertson and Lawrence and Pamela Durdin-Robertson.  Please join us in honoring their legacy as members worldwide remember this day.

(© photo Durdin-Robertson, copyright reserved)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

March 18, 2025

Cressida Pryor: Spring Letter


"Eternal Mother, guide our hands and feet as we 
navigate the path to greater balance in our lives."

The Spring Equinox letter from FOI Steward, Cressida Pryor, may be read at the following link:

March 15, 2025

Foundation Center: Spring Festival


"Community and family are precious 
sources of soul connections."

The report on the Spring Equinox Festival at the FOI Foundation Center may be read at the following link:

(© report & photo by Noeleen Watson)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

March 13, 2025

Full Moon & Eclipse


Hear Olivia Robertson speaking on the moon and then giving a reading of Lucius Apuleius:

Olivia writes: The Moon is our sister planet and her influence moves both the tides of the seas and our own souls. As she waxes and wanes she affects all plant life and our own emotions. In her fullness she is a mighty mirror that reflects to us the polarized rays of the sun. In her darkness she shows us our own black image, the earth's shadow. So she is an enigma that conceals the truth. For everything in this physical world is but a reflection of greater spheres. The sphere of the occulted Full Moon is only truly experienced by the Adepti. 

Hear the words of Lucius Apuleius, Priest of Isis:  "As I lay by the seashore I awakened with sudden fear and saw the moon shining bright. Then I thought that this was the most secret time, when that Goddess had most puissance and force. I made this oration to the puissant Goddess: O Blessed Queen of Heaven, the original and motherly source of all things, Thou hast power with triple face to protect and doth illuminate us by Thy feminine Light. Grant peace and rest and protection. And there appeared to me from the midst of the sea a Divine and venerable Face, worshipped even of the Gods themselves. I saw the whole figure of her body, bright and mounting out of the sea and standing before me. She had a great abundance of hair, flowing and curling; on the crown of Her head she bore many garlands of flowers, and in the middle of Her forehead was a plain circle in fashion of a mirror, borne on either side by serpents. Her vestment yielded diverse colours, white, yellow, rosy red and flaming, and (which troubled my sight and spirit sore), her cloak was utterly dark and obscure, shining black and upon it stars glimpsed, and in the midst of them was placed the moon in mid-month, which shone like a flame of fire. And with her holy voice she uttered these words to me:"

"Behold, Lucius, I am come. I am she that is the natural Mother of all things, Mistress of all the elements, the initial progeny of worlds, Chief of the Powers Divine, Queen of all that are in Hades, the Principal of them that dwell in Heaven, manifested alone and under one form of all the Gods and Goddesses: Deorum Dearum-que Facies Uniformis. I am known by Ten Thousand Names and the Egyptians, excellent in ancient doctrine, call me Isis. Behold, the healthful aeon has come which is ordained by my Providence."

(© Art by Olivia Robertson, photo by Minette Quick)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

March 1, 2025

March Oracle: Kwan Yin


"Know that nothing good is lost."

The FOI Oracle for March is from the Goddess Kwan Yin.  Read and listen from the following links:

FOI Homepage: Oracle of Kwan Yin

(© quote by Olivia Robertson, shrine photo by Minette Quick; copyrights reserved)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

February 18, 2025

Sun in Pisces


Blessings of the Sun in Pisces! From the FOI Liturgy book "Fortuna, Creation through the Goddess":

"Let us be seated in a circle, eyes shut - our inner vision awakes. We find ourselves at the foot of the holy mountain upon which shines the Temple of the Zodiac, surrounded by constellations. We climb the mountain. We reach the mighty portico of the temple, guarded by two male and female sphinxes, whose wings soar to the heavens. We enter.  We make our way to the North-East window, surmounted by the emblem of Pisces, a silver and a gold fish joined by 2 knotted cords. Let us gaze upon the stained-glass window. It depicts the fish-tailed Goddess Derceto, holding 2 winged children, a boy and a girl. A wind suddenly rushes through the temple, throwing open the window. We are faced with the constellation of Pisces, known to the ancient Persians as Mahik the Fish."

Listen to meditations on Pisces at the following links:

From "Fortuna" - Window of Pisces:

From "Sophia" - Mystical Awakening, Pisces & Cerridwen:

From "Tara": Portal of Pisces - 2 Rites:

(© quote by Olivia Robertson, photo by Minette Quick; copyrights reserved)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

February 10, 2025

Fellowship of Isis Daily Prayer

 "Holy Goddess Isis, Mother of all beings, come to our hearts.
Grant us, Thy children, Love and Joy, Wisdom and Abundance.
We offer Thee our loving care for all who are born of Thee."

Recording of Olivia Robertson giving the prayer: 

FOI Prayers & Blessings:

(© Prayer by Olivia Robertson; Isis lintel photo by Minette Quick; copyrights reserved)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

February 4, 2025

Foundation Center: Imbolc Festival Report


"That's what it's all about, 
seeing each other with eyes of love."

The report on the Imbolc Festival at the FOI Foundation Center may be read at the following link:

(© report & photo by Noeleen Watson)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive