December 28, 2019

Foundation Center: Winter Festival Report

"Be your True Self.  Be the Beautiful Self 
that you were made – now and always.”

The report on the festival held at the Foundation Center on December 14th may be read at the following link:

(© report by Stella Dana, photo by Minette Quick, copyrights reserved)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

December 23, 2019

Dec 24th: Modraniht, Night of the Mothers

From "Juno Covella" by Lawrence Durdin-Robertson: 

DECEMBER 24th - Anglo-Saxon: THE MOTHERS; Modraniht, Night of the Mothers. (Hislop, "The Two Babylons", p. 93):

"As the 25th of December was called by our Pagan Anglo-Saxon ancestors, 'Yuleday', or the 'Child's day', and the night that preceded it, 'Mother Night' (Sharon Turner's "Anglo-Saxons", Vol. i, p. 219)  . . (Hilda Davidson, "Gods, Myths, N. Europe", p. 112) "Inscriptions are known from Roman times in Germany, Holland and Britain in honour of groups of female beings known generally as 'the mothers' . . Female deities of this kind seem to have been worshipped by both the Celts and the Germans, and they were evidently associated with fertility and with the protection of hearth and home. In some form they were known to the Anglo-Saxons, for Bede mentions them in De Temporum Ratione (13), where he tells us that the night before Christmas was known in heathen times as Modraniht, 'the Night of the Mothers'. There seems little doubt that they were closely connected with the birth of children".

(© Cave of the Mothers, Foundation Center Temple, photo by Minette Quick)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive

December 22, 2019

Sun in Capricorn

Happy Sun in Capricorn!  Olivia Robertson wrote in the book, "Sophia":

"Companions, let us contemplate the Constellation of Capricorn! Behold, it emerges from the Sea of Heaven, the primordial abyss from which all life is drawn. Within it swim Pisces Australis and Aquarius. and above flies the eagle Aquila. Beyond ascends the starry Northern Swan Cygnus, spreading wide its wings. Nearby are the twin souls, fair Vega, maiden of the Lyre, and Altair, the youth of Aquila, separated by the milky way. As is told in the Orient, the Weaver Maid and the Shepherd, may only meet once a year, over a bridge of magpies. So do our souls long for completion, the union of darkness and light, dreams and activity, the past and future, in eternal reality. . . "

(© photo copyright Minette Quick.)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive

December 21, 2019

Happy Solstice!

Olivia Robertson wrote in the Introduction to "Dea, Rites and Mysteries of the Goddess":

"Wherever any living flame burns, there is the Vestal Fire guarded by Hestia. The tradition in Ireland, and in many countries, is that the hearth fire must never die. At the time of the winter solstice the fire is renewed with embers from the dying fire of Yule. To create a shrine to the Goddess there needs to be this matriarchal flame. In any impersonal hotel room, in a town flat, in a small garden, the vestal flame is the same, and gives the same power as that bestowed by the Goddess in the mighty temples of antiquity. This sacred flame may be represented by a lighted candle, an incense stick, a resinous torch or small fire. The smoke represents Air, the holy breath which keeps the fire alive, as does our breath combine with our heart-beats. By the divine law of correspondences, everything material in this world is a symbol for some reality in another sphere. When a fire, candles or incense are burnt with the intention of honouring Deity, a communication centre is created, which forms a link in a golden chain that brings through the fiery power of the Deity invoked.

"Having made the centre of our shrine, we need a shell, a Matrix to protect it. This Matrix in greater form may be understood to be the darkness of Outer Space which holds galaxies in its embracing blackness. It is the blue atmosphere with fleecy clouds which protects our earthly vegetation as a robe: it is the crust of the earth, a chrysalis that conceals the mystery within. Beneath this rocky shell of earth are two lava flows of magma which, like fiery dragons rotating in contrary directions, protect the golden apples that shine in the glowing heart of our planet. And so also is the Matrix the protecting womb that enfolds the unborn child and small animal: the snake that conceals her eggs within her: the nut shell and husk that guard the living kernel and seed within. Though we respect great temples, a simple room or grove of trees form a Matrix that protects our altar fire. A shrine may be a psychic temple not made with hands. The Devotee, sitting in silent contemplation, even in a crowded room, may yet build in creative imagination a shrine that guards the privacy of the soul. For the Matrix is not only a womb or shell: it is also the individual aura. We carry our temples about us.

"In a Seasonal Rite, the invocation is connected with a special time of year, with the cyclic movements of the celestial bodies and with the climatic changes of the earth. For those living in a town, cut off from nature in her wild form, even the visualising of Stonehenge and the Polar stars at the Winter Solstice brings food for the soul, a reminder of past incarnations, a harmony with nature spirits. When a group gathers for a seasonal festival, even in a small room, affinity is realised with the cosmos.  Above is not a mere plaster ceiling with an electric light bulb suspended from it - but the starry glory of the heavens. Behind the television set is the mystery of the setting sun: beyond the radiator is the radiance of the circumpolar stars: by the door may be felt the influence of the centre of our galaxy, near Vega, the Weaver Maid. And mighty Orion is rising below the sitting-room carpet, as he chases Taurus, and in turn is followed by the Star of Isis now below the earth.

"Any Rite which invokes Deity or Deities through a Mystery Religion - that which deals with the Unknown - has effect throughout all levels and on the earth itself. Throughout the ages people of varying cultures have learnt to communicate with those from other spheres: we need all the knowledge, understanding and good feeling we can obtain, in order that we may live here in peace with each other with all creatures; and obtain happiness and wisdom in the spheres beyond death."

(© "The Fiery Mother," copyright Olivia Robertson)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive

December 19, 2019

Cressida Pryor Letter and Member Memorial

"May we find Joy in our hearts and this world."

The latest seasonal letter from FOI Steward, Cressida Pryor, has been uploaded here:


Also, earlier this week a page was added to the FOI Memorial section; that of  Patricia Griffin, long-standing member and Assistant Temple Priestess at the Castle Temple for many years.  Our sincere condolences and blessings go out to Pat's family and friends at this time.

Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive

December 13, 2019

Audio: Divine Alchemy

Click below to listen to an audio clip of Olivia Robertson speaking in a past rite:

(mp3 / 1:00 min / 233 kb)

Audio transcript:
"There is a polluted river of grief and rage and every emotion flowing deep below our everyday awareness. Freud described this as the Unconscious.  It works through group telepathy and poisons families, races, religions.  We need bravery to allow this river to flow openly through us - not to block it, because we ourselves are creating it.  Only by facing evil can we perform the Divine Alchemy of transforming hate into love, fear into faith, violence into peace. So shall we cleanse our world from our own nightmares.  When even one of us does this, the poisonous river of death becomes the cleansing river of tears and so reaches the sky, drawn upwards to the sun, and rains upon us, the pure waters of Life."

Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive

(©"Visionary of the New Aeon", by Olivia Robertson, artwork and audio copyright reserved.)

December 1, 2019

December Oracle

"Beneath my black veil of dreams is my 
True Being, the Primordial Mother."

The Oracle for December is from the Goddess Allat.  You may read it in full and listen to audio of Olivia Robertson by clicking on the following link:

(© photo of Olivia Robertson,  High Altar, Foundation Center Temple; copyright Alice Smeets.)

November 26, 2019

Fellowship of Isis Prayer

"Holy Isis, Holy Osiris;
We give you thanks
that your Love, Beauty and Truth
are manifest with Power and Peace
throughout all spheres,
within all beings,
and we accept your Blessing now,
in Mind and Heart."

Listen to Olivia Robertson:

(© Prayer and drawing of Winged Isis and Osiris by Olivia Robertson, photo from Foundation Center Temple by Minette Quick: copyrights reserved)

November 22, 2019

Sun in Sagittarius

Blessings of the Sun in Sagittarius!  Olivia Robertson wrote this about the Constellation of Sagittarius in her book "Sophia, Cosmic Consciousness of the Goddess": 

"Companions, behold the Archer, half man, half horse, whose stars were revered in Ancient Babylon and Chaldea, when the Winter Solstice was in this sign. The Archer rises above the Sea of Heaven, below the Tropic of Capricorn. He chases the Scorpion with his arrow, and is followed by the Sea Goat. Above him shine the lovers of the sky, Vega, the Weaver maid within the Lyre stars. She is separated by the Milky Way from her lover, the Shepherd Altair, who is within the Constellation of Aquila, the eagle. They can only meet once a year, by way of a bridge of sparrows! Above them flies the Swan, Cygnus. The horse, Equuleus, stands beneath Delphinus, the Dolphin. Each creature has its innate Divinity, and its particular path of transmutation."

(© photo of the Shrine of Sagittarius, Foundation Center Temple, copyright Minette Quick.)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive

November 20, 2019

Foundation Center: Samhain Festival Report

". . .one could imagine having joined in friendship 
with the roots of our fellow beings worldwide 
and within this connection, love flowed."

The report on the festival held at the Foundation Center on November 2nd may be read at the link below:

(© report by Stella Dana, copyright reserved)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

November 13, 2019

Remembering Olivia Robertson

On the anniversary of her passing to the Spirit realm six years ago on November 14, 2013, please join us in remembering Olivia Robertson, co-founder of the Fellowship of Isis.  Here is an audio clip of Olivia speaking on her family and the Goddess Dana:

(mp3 / 4.6 mb / 4:40 mins)

Audio transcript:
"Dana has showed herself to me and so I follow her way. Her hair is of the sun, her skin is pale as the moon and her turquoise blue mantle surrounds islands as the sea. Yet she may appear with golden-ebony skin of Africa, or with the copper glow of the Mayans. She is both Earth Mother and Queen of Heaven. I've seen Goddesses in full consciousness.  Here, I fell right down into some depths below sleep.  And there this Divine image came and gave a kind of happiness that no other Deity appears to bring.  Each Deity has their own gifts for us.

"My own vision was in 1952. From 1960 to 1974 the Goddess came to us regularly with messages from spiritualist seances in the Bridge House in Clonegal. It was then that I was given her name: Dana.  The visitations were accompanied by strong silvery, electric power. It was really almost overwhelming the first time, we had to hold hands somehow to channel it.

"After my brother and I had founded the Fellowship of Isis in 1976, Dana showed herself to our Priestess. The rest of us, heard angelic chanting. This was from deep men's voices alternating with contralto women's voices. This actually  lasted for 15 minutes. The Goddess has also shown herself to our Wicklow neighbour, a famous Healer, 7th son of a 7th son. She gave me this message through him: 'Go on. Do well. Preach My Name.' 

"Our own family goes deep back into Irish Celtic tradition. We belong to the Clann Donnachaidh of Ireland which emigrated to Scotland about 1,500 years ago. Later the name Donnachaidh - Duncan - was changed to Robertson. Our branch returned to Ireland when my grandfather, Herbert Robertson, M.P., married Helen Durdin, the owner of Clonegal Castle, which was built by Lord Esmonde who married the granddaughter of Grainne Mhaol, Queen of Connacht, pirate queen - she still appears in spirit by a spy bush. 

"My grandfather could be called an Honorary Druid because of his monumental work, 'Stemmata Robertson', tracing our Gaelic ancestry. Our cousin, the author Robert Graves, also undertook Druid work by listing the Druid Tree Alphabet.

"In our field bordering the Derry is our ancient Bullawn Stone. Thousands of years ago this was used for grinding corn, so forming a cup which holds healing rain water. The power is in the stone, the water carries it.  It was sacred to the Sun and Grain Goddess, Grainne. It is still used for curing warts by local people. It was joined at the turn of the century by a meteorite that landed by our avenue, and glowed for two years. Rooks sat on it warming their behinds. A meteorite is a legendary marker for a Holy place. Within our Temple of Isis in the castle is a Holy Well traditionally associated with the Bullawn Stone. The castle was built around it in 1625, so our ancestors have always drunk from its healing waters. The well is dedicated to the Goddess Brighid. We use it for everyday drinking, ritual and healing, and promoting psychic vision.

"My brother Lawrence and I discovered the ancient Paganism of Ireland when we were children in the early thirties. We used to go by donkey cart upstream by the Slaney to visit a hermit, Daniel Fox. Mr. Fox was our local Merlin. As he and I sat over a fire in his cottage, he would tell me of his visions of Pagan people who lived by the river thousands of years ago. He would see and hear them, he said, as they rose at early dawn. They would drink from a well, bathe in the river and then assemble at an altar stone, high on the steep slope of the bank. There they would wait for the sun to rise across the river. Mr. Fox would show me the altar and well every time I visited him. He kept them clear. When I was sixteen I painted pictures of the ancient ceremony as he had described it."

Archival link:  The Life and Work of Olivia Robertson

(© photo of Olivia with a picture of her mother, taken by Dennis Murphy/Logic Reality; audio by the FOI Homepage Archive.  All copyrights reserved.)

November 1, 2019

Oracle of The Morrigan

"Your success is assured, because the only satisfaction
you seek will be to enjoy the Divine reality all around you."

The Oracle for November is from the Goddess Morrigan.  You may read it by going to the following link:

(© The Morrigan art by Olivia Robertson, photo by Minette Quick, all copyrights reserved)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive

October 29, 2019

Cressida Pryor: Samhain Letter

"This is a time to remember and honour those that have gone 
before and live our lives responsibly so we can hold our 
heads up to welcome those who are yet to come." 

The Samhain letter from FOI Steward, Cressida Pryor, may be read at the following page:

October 23, 2019

Shrine of Scorpio

Happy Sun in Scorpio!  This passage is from the Mystical Awakening of Scorpio and Kundalini ritual by Olivia Robertson:

1st Priestess: "Know that this is the Stellar House of Initiation. Our instructors on the Path, the Alchemists, taught that only when the Sun is in Scorpio may Iron be transmuted into Gold. For as the sun declines after the Autumnal Equinox, so does the individual soul face the apparent extinction of her dream of separate existence, when faced by death. So does a candle fancy itself extinguished when the sun rises! Scorpio rises in the cold hours of the dawn. So be watchful and fall not into inertia, for who can tell when the Scorpion stings."

2nd Priest: "Ponder on the fate of the giant Orion, stung by the Scorpion and so sinks into apparent death in the red Western sky. Was not even the Child God of Initiation, Son to Isis, Harpocrates, killed by a scorpion? He was revived by Isis, and shows himself to the wise as a naked child with his finger to his lips, enjoining silence. Was not the mighty Sun God Ra-Temu bitten by a snake, which Isis sent to him in the autumn? He suffered from the poisonous serpent power circling in every limb, until he fell through the flaming twilight into the watery abyss. Only when he had surrendered His Secret Name with all His magical Powers to Isis, did She restore Him as Ra-Horus, in the bright dawn when spring returned to earth. For though the Mysteries are preserved through silence, we must offer ourselves and all we have to the Goddess, that we may be reborn with knowledge of our immortality."

2nd Priestess: "Know that the Path of Scorpio provides a sudden shock! The cunning scorpion strikes at the foot, yet its poison courses throughout the body. Like the serpent it is called the One who Lurks. It is most potent through water and through the blood. Know that this very cruel sting, which seems to torture and to slay, is in verity the Awakener! Only through the sting may the stigmata of Initiation be gained. Yet this awakening may not be bargained for, nor induced, for only when the soul is ready may the Coming Forth by Day be achieved! Scorpio is also the sign of the Eagle and of the Winged Serpent. May we, with the Wings of the Goddess Selket, the Scorpion Goddess, rise above the Path and so learn to know its serpentine deviations, its pitfalls, its goal. Thus may we, with the aid of the presiding Deities, receive the onrush of the Fire Goddess, Kundalini, without loss of integrity or peace."

(© photo of the Shrine of Scorpio at the Foundation Center Temple, copyright Minette Quick.)

Fellowship of Isis Online Liturgy:

October 8, 2019

Honor to Tiamat

Listen to Olivia Robertson invoking the Goddess Tiamat in a past rite:

Audio transcript (mp3 / 1:33 min / 1.4mb):  
"We need the aid of Tiamat Who holds the Tablets of Fate, to gain Wisdom and Love through knowledge of the stars.  I offer incense to the She who is the Dragon Goddess of our Galaxy.  I invoke the Goddess Tiamat! Hear the words written on clay tablets of Babylon about the Creation:

'When in the height Heaven was not named,
And the earth beneath did not yet bear a name;
And Apsu the Primaeval Who begat them,
And Chaos, Tiamat, the Mother of them both -
Their waters were mingled together, and
No field was formed, no marsh was to be seen;
When of the Deities None had been called into being,
And None bore a name, and no destinies were ordained;
Then were created the Gods, all Goddesses;
Aeons were increased; and Tiamat was Mother of them all!'

"Thou Who art the Beginning of Creation, Mistress of Magic, Mighty Dragon, Mother of all, aid us in our search for Wisdom and for Love. For only from our own origin, the matriarchal Goddess, may we understand the Universe of which we are a part."


Photo comments by Minette Quick: "This chapel of the non-zodiac Stars is centre of our Temple Labyrinth. The main altar of the Goddess Ishtar of the 8-pointed star, Lady of 15, shows a 'Mirror of Hathor', which reflects the soul's dreams. Ishtar is painted on the surface and Her Lover, Tammuz, Shepherd of the Starry Flocks is shown above the mystic mirror. The Goddess Tiamat of Space is painted with outspread wings on the altar frontal."

(© From the book "Psyche" by Olivia Robertson; Quote from the Enuma Elish, trans. L.W. King; Temple art by Olivia; altar photo by Minette Quick Foundation Center; audio by the FOI Homepage Archive; all copyrights reserved)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive

October 1, 2019

Fellowship of Isis: Oracle of Astarte

"The gifts of the Tree of Life shine within 
the earth and within each creature."

This month's Oracle is from the Goddess Astarte. Click below to read and listen to audio of Olivia Robertson giving the Oracle in a past rite:

(photo ©  Dennis Murphy, from "Olivia Robertson, Priestess of Isis" DVD.)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive

September 24, 2019

Foundation Center: Autumn Festival

"with hope in all our hearts we gathered in celebration
of the seasonal change of equal day and night"

The report on the festival held at the Foundation Center on September 21st has been uploaded, along with photos:

(© report and photos by Tom Joseph Swinburne, copyrights reserved)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

September 22, 2019

Sun in Libra

Happy Equinox and Sun in Libra!  The link below is an audio file of one of the FOI co-founders, Lawrence Durdin-Robertson, speaking on the constellation of Libra and the Justice of Maat during a past rite:

(mp3 / 1:05min / 255kb)

Audio transcript:
"Companions on the quest for Truth and Justice, know that in many ancient lands the constellation of Libra, when in the House of the Autumnal Equinox, was revered as portraying Justice, through the equal balancing of day and night, summer and winter. In Egypt, the Goddess Maat was depicted presiding over the weighing of the Heart on the Scales of Justice. The Heart was balanced in the Northern pan against Her Ostrich Feather of Truth, whose every frond responds to the Breath of Spirit."

Here also is an excerpt from Lawrence's book, "Juno Covella, Perpetual Calendar of the Fellowship of Isis":

Autumnal Equinox. Sun enters Libra (tropical). Greek: DEMETER and PERSEPHONE; Roman: CERES and PROSERPINA; The Greater Eleusinian Mysteries, First Day. (Lempriere, Dict.) "Eleusinia . . This festival (i.e. the Greater) was observed in the month Boedromion or September, and continued nine days from the 15th to the 23rd". (Kerenyi, Eleusis, p. 8) According to this author's reckoning the 15th of Boedromion is taken as corresponding to September 23rd or 24th. (Julian, Hymn to the Mother of the Gods, 173A) "I was saying that we ought not to suppose that the ancients appointed the season of the rites irrationally, but rather as far as possible with plausible and true grounds of reason; and indeed a proof of this is that the Goddess herself chose as her province the cycle of the Equinox. For the most holy and secret Mysteries of Deo and the Maiden (Kore) are celebrated when the sun is in the sign of Libra, and this is quite natural".

(©: Shrine of Libra photo by Minette Quick; photo of Lawrence from the Occult Experience video, created with permission; audio by the FOI Homepage Archive: all copyrights reserved.)

September 19, 2019

Cressida Pryor: Autumn Letter

"May we honour nature’s balance and sit humbly with our 
fellow creatures who live the wisdom of true presence. . ."

The Autumn Equinox letter from FOI Steward, Cressida Pryor, may be read at the following link:

September 11, 2019

Castle tours and FOI festivals

Autumn colors at the FOI Foundation Center in Ireland. There are tours available everyday this month and on the weekends in October. For more information see the Castle website: 

Also, if you are visiting during any of the eight FOI seasonal festivals, please contact the Rainbow Circle of Brigid for an invitation: 

(© photo copyright Durdin-Robertson)

September 1, 2019

September Oracle: Goddess Haumea

"For those who are willing to understand, 
the eternal verities of love, beauty and truth 
are manifested through planetary Mystery Dramas."

The Oracle for September is from the Goddess Haumea and includes an historic audio file of Olivia Robertson.  You may read/listen to it at the following link:

(Photo © Dennis Murphy, from "Olivia Robertson, Priestess of Isis" DVD.)

August 23, 2019

Sun in Virgo

From the book "Sophia" by Olivia Robertson on the Constellation of Virgo:  
"Behold the Virgin holding her wheat ear, the star Spica! Above her, Bootes drives the wain around the Pole Star and by him are Virgo's loyal hounds, the Canes Venatici. Centaurus, half man, half horse, is below her hand, tamed by her gentleness. The Virgin shines above the sea monster Hydra, who bears on his mighty coils Corvus, the Prophetic Crow and Crater, the Mystic Cup. The Libran Goddess stands nearby, weighing Virgo's golden grain on her scales, while the harvest is protected by the rampant lion, Leo."

(© "We Reap to Share" art by Olivia Robertson, copyright reserved.)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive

August 16, 2019

Star Chapel

"The intention of the Fellowship is to unite the Divine Source, Love and Truth in harmony.  We try to unite these two Divine attributers in the Holy of Holies, the Star Chapel, with no outside walls.  Ishtar and Tammuz, Isis and Osiris, Vishnu and Lakshmi, Maria and Christ, bring this wholeness now fragmented on this earth.  We fight subjection, domination, exploitation of humans, animals, birds, fish, reptiles and insects of every species – all creatures of the Mother’s sacred elements."  Olivia Robertson

* * *

Photo of windows between the Star Chapel and the Well of Brigid with paintings by Olivia Robertson.  Remarks by Minette Quick:  "In 1980 the Star Chapel was created by co-Founders, Lawrence Durdin-Robertson and his sister Olivia. They worked together painstakingly to clear an ancient wine cellar in the basement of the Castle. The ceiling was designed by Lawrence to show many of the wonderful non-zodiac constellations such as the Polar Constellations, including Caer Arianrhod, her Pole Star home, and the Great Bear. There are Cygnus the Swan, the Ariadne Crown, Andromeda’s Sea Monster, Sirius, Orion & Cassiopeia. Having first painted the whole ceiling deep blue, Lawrence created cardboard stencils. These Olivia then used to paint the stars in gold."

(Lughnasadh 2013 quote by Olivia Robertson; photo/caption 2011 by Minette Quick; all copyrights reserved.)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive

August 9, 2019

Foundation Center Lughnasadh Festival

"The Goddess too has a harvest. 
She always has the correct amount of Soul and Spirit 
to maintain, all the Kingdoms in her creation."

The report on the Lughnasadh festival at the Foundation Center has just been received and may be viewed here, along with photos:

(© report by Tom Joseph Swinburne; photos by Katheriona Doyle; copyrights reserved)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive

August 2, 2019

Cressida Pryor: Lughnasadh Letter

"The assurance through divine faith of infinite 
possibilities keeps the light of hope alight."

The latest letter from Fellowship of Isis Steward, Cressida Pryor, may be read here:

August 1, 2019

August Oracle: Goddess Grainne

"From the dawn of time, humanity has called upon me 
to supply that which I give generously to all creatures."

The Oracle for August is from the Goddess Grainne.  You may read and listen to an audio recording of Lawrence Durdin-Robertson and Olivia Robertson in a past rite by going to this page:

(© Goddess Grainne, art by Olivia Robertson, photo by Minette Quick, copyrights reserved)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive

July 23, 2019

Sun enters Leo

Blessings of the Sun in Leo! Listen to Olivia Robertson invoke the Lion power in a past rite:

Audio transcript:  (rattle of the sistrum) "It is my privilege at this ceremony, to call forth the Lion power: Holy Sekhmet, bring to us thy flame within the golden sun, which is beneath the earth.  We feel the flames rising up from the heart of the earth - Cor Leonis - Heart of the Lioness: Star Royal, Flame, Red Fire.  Bring us thy flame!  Sisters, brothers, feel the power rise up from the earth.  Let it rise and shine and warm our hearts with Love." (sistrum)  

(photo of Olivia's artwork, "The Sphinx, the Lady and the Lion" by Minette Quick, audio file by the FOI Homepage, copyrights reserved.)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive

July 3, 2019

Foundation Center Summer Festival

The report on the Summer Solstice Festival, held at the FOI Foundation Center on June 22nd, may be read by clicking here:

(© report by Tom Joseph Swinburne; photos by Katheriona Doyle; copyrights reserved)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive

July 1, 2019

Fellowship of Isis: July Oracle

"I hide my wisdom in the stories I tell children 
before they sleep. The sciences tell the facts clearly: 
but Inner Truth is concealed in fable and paradox."

The Oracle for July is from the Goddess Sophia and includes an historic audio file of Olivia Robertson. You may read/listen to it at the following link:

(Photo © Dennis Murphy, from "Olivia Robertson, Priestess of Isis" DVD.)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive

June 21, 2019

Happy Sun in Cancer and Solstice!

Blessings of the Solstice and the Sun entering the sign of Cancer! Olivia Robertson wrote in "Sophia, Cosmic Consciousness of the Goddess": 

"Cancer was held by the Sages to be the House of the Moon, as the Moon was believed to have been in Cancer at the Creation. It was respected as Horoscope of the World, as the sign nearest the Zenith. The learned Berossos declared that our earth shall be submerged when all planets are grouped in Cancer. The Chaldean Magi and the Platonists taught their disciples that souls descend from Heaven into human bodies through Cancer, the Gate of Humanity. There is a deep meaning concealed in the very sign of Cancer, two curved '6' forms embracing each other - resembling the Eastern Yin-Yang symbol of positive and negative energies moving in contrary cyclic paths of the Serpent. Holding Cancer aloft in the sky is the Seven Headed Monster Hydra, sacred to the Chaldean Dragon Goddess of Creation, Tiamat."

(Shrine of Cancer, FOI Foundation Center photo copyright M.E.K.)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive

June 19, 2019

Cressida Pryor: Summer Solstice Letter

"We are all in relationship with this beautiful planet 
and Mother Nature who sustains life on it..."

The Summer Solstice letter from Fellowship of Isis Steward, Cressida Pryor, may be found at the following link:

June 11, 2019

Castle tours and FOI festivals

The Castle tearooms and gardens are now open to the public everyday from 11am to 5pm and tours of the house are held at 2, 3, 4 and 5pm. Visit their website for fees and directions:

For FOI events, if you are visiting during any of the eight seasonal festivals, please contact the Rainbow Circle of Brigid for an invitation: 

(© photo copyright Durdin-Robertson)

June 1, 2019

June Oracle

"To fulfill your Destiny you need to be free from the trammels 
of your space and time and touch the glory of Eternity."

This month's Oracle is from the Goddess Nana Buluku. Click below to read it and also listen to audio of Olivia Robertson giving the Invocation and Oracle:

(photo copyright Dennis Murphy from "Olivia Robertson, Priestess of Isis" DVD.)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive

May 28, 2019

Book Highlight: Isis of Fellowship

In 2002, Olivia Robertson wrote "Isis of Fellowship, How the Fellowship of Isis was Founded."  She wrote this Foreword in April of that year:

"In my eighty-fifth year, I feel the time has come for me honestly to describe how my brother, his wife and myself founded the Fellowship of Isis. 

"This is a question I am so often asked and as often brush the query aside with a recommendation to read our Manifesto, study the Liturgy or join a centre! What I have avoided as a matter of principle is to be personal. 

"I had encapsuled my personal experiences within a framework of ideas in my book 'The Call of Isis'. I refused to write an autobiography. I wished to give the rest of my life to promoting the Fellowship: not on encouraging a cult of personality, bugbear of our media-crazed society. 

"Mystical awakening is impossible to describe to those who have not experienced it. Suffice to say that during my life, like thousands of other people, I have had a series of awakenings into 'The Real World.' The ever-living Now, the eternal reality that exists beneath our dreams and nightmares we call 'life' is ever present, awaiting our recognition. 

"It is the source of our being and all that we hold to be good, noble and true. Most people have had moments of this blessed enlightenment. But everyday living smothers our true awareness, and too many bury their lovely treasures of 'living time', fearing that disbelief, ridicule and suspicion will sully their hidden jewels. Like love, mystical experiences are best guarded beneath the veil. To expose is to cheapen. 

"When someone queried a yogi why he was breaking customary secrecy by publishing his knowledge, he replied: 'When the house is on fire, you throw your valuables out of the window.' This fateful era is just such a time of crisis. 

"In 1946 I was alone. In 1952 I was joined by my brother, an Anglican rector, who also had the Great Awakening. We were joined by his wife, who for a whole month was able to sustain the experience. We awaited spiritual guidance, wondering what we were to do. To quote a new version of the words of St. Patrick: 'On earth at this fateful hour, Isis cometh in Her power.' The Goddess came to us. In 1976 we were ready to begin."

FOI Homepage Online Bookstore:

May 22, 2019

Sun enters Gemini

Blessings of the Sun in Gemini!  Click below to hear Olivia Robertson give a blessing of the Starry Twins from a past ritual:

Audio transcript:
"Friends, let us wonder at the Starry Twins of Gemini, light years apart, yet together in vision. The divine forms of the Shining Twins manifest: Mawu and Li-Sa - Isis and Osiris - Lakshmi and Vishnu - Artemis and Apollo. . . receive the blessings of the Shining Twins."

("The Sirius Twins" artwork by Olivia Robertson, copyright reserved)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage / Archive

May 13, 2019

Foundation Center Beltane Festival

The report on the Beltane Festival held at the FOI Foundation Center on May 4th may be read by clicking on the following link:

(© report by Tom Joseph Swinburne; photos by Katheriona Doyle; copyrights reserved)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage & Archive:  

May 1, 2019

Fellowship of Isis May Oracle

"Use your imagination: yet know that all you 
visualise manifests in some sphere; so let your 
visions be true and noble."

The Oracle for May is from the Goddess Ceridwen and you may read it at the following link:

(photo © Minette Quick. "Ceridwen by Her Cauldron" painted by Olivia Robertson, Foundation Center Temple.)

April 29, 2019

Cressida Pryor: Beltane Letter

"She whispers a song to heal, 
a song of listening and connection."

The Beltane letter from Cressida Pryor, FOI Steward, may be found at the following link: 

April 22, 2019

For Earth Day

Happy Earth Day!  Listen to a short audio clip of Olivia Robertson giving a blessing:

(mp3 / 34 secs / 137 kb)

Audio transcript:
"Know that Nature in reality is perfect . .  unpoisoned . . . pure . . . healthy, and bring these life-giving rays of the eternal beauty of Nature into our Earth. Let us send forth these green rays - green and blue and gold - to all our Earth. . ."

(© "The Faery Fates" artwork by Olivia Robertson; audio by the FOI Homepage, all copyrights reserved)

Fellowship of Isis Homepage